If you are just starting out, rebranding or wanting to take your business to the next level. You may wonder what you actually need to get designed. Some graphics you may need to outsource to a designer, some you may be able to tackle yourself with the elements your designer gives you, but how do you decide what you will need so that you can plan out the graphics you need to create?To help plan, and create templates and create consistency in your visual identity, I have gone though some of the graphics you may need, and some details to help you decide if this is something you need to consider for your own business.
Map out Your Business Process
The main way to work out what you will need is to consider the process your customers will go through with you and what methods of promotion you intend to use.So your promotional graphics (this is how they find you and follow you)> Your initial iterations (think email signature, business card ) > working with you/sales process (invoice, website, contract, letters, gift cards, packaging, labels, notes, worksheets)> And then final interactions and post sales (gifts, thank you notes, hand over tutorials)If you take the time to map out the process, and it may be complex if you have many ways you promote and create brand awareness and the number of income streams you have. But it will save you a lot of time in the long run, as you will know exactly what you need, and can plan ahead and decide what elements you want to do yourself, buy pre-made and customise, have a template designed for and what you should completely outsource to a designer.The things you will need will depend on your business model, your income streams, the way you interact with clients and reach out to them and how you conduct your processes. The things you will need if you are a physical store business would be very different to the things needed by a service based online business.
Categorise by Digital and Print
I have categorised these by physical and digital, to better help you decide what would be the best fit for your own business. Of course, there would be things you may need not on this list, but it should help you with considering what you do need.

Primary Graphics:
These are the branding essential elements to use as a base for all other graphics-
- A logo
- Submarks
- Patterns
- Brand Fonts
- Brand colours
- Main Photography (stock images and profile pictures)
Physical Graphics:
- Flyers
- Brochures
- Banner
- Billboard
- Poster
- Signage
- Window Display
- Postcards
- Business Cards
- Sample size packaging
- Event/Workshop Invitations
- Fridge Magnet
- Bags and promotional items (mugs, t-shirts, keyring, pens)
- Invoice
- Letterhead
- Contract
- Menu
- Pricelist
- Packaging
- Labels and Swing Tags
- Address labels
- Notecards
- Handouts and worksheets
- Coupons and loyalty cards
- Name tags
- Receipt
- Thank you card
- Gift
- Discount card
- Care/Usage Instructions
Digital Graphics:
- Website
- Facebook banner and avatar
- Facebook Post image template
- Pdf workbook template
- Content Upgrades
- Podcast Graphics
- Webinar Slides
- Email signature
- Email Marketing Template
- Twitter Banner and Avatar
- Twitter tweet image template
- Instagram Stories Templates
- Instagram Avatar
- Instagram Quotes Template
- Linked In Banner
- Youtube Banner
- Blog Post image template
- Facebook Ad Graphics
- Pinterest Image template
- Pinterest Board Covers
- Media Kit
- Digital Invoice
- Digital Contract
- Onboarding/Welcome pack pdf
- Workshop/course Slides
- Ebooks
- Pdf worksheets, spreadsheets, planners and checklists
- Facebook Group Image/prompt templates and banner
- Client Portal site
- Digital Receipts
- Guide/usage pdf
To help you work out what you exactly what you need for your business, I have created a checklist pdf, so you can easily fill it in with all the graphics you will need, how soon you need them and where you will source them, to give you a clearer picture of what you need to organise to create a cohesive visual brand.

I'd love to hear from you
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